FREE Crosby Fundamentals of Rigging Course

What a great opportunity!
A Free Crosby Fundamentals of Rigging course is being offered to our employees.
Information about the course and contact information is attached.
Please see the attached invite, contact information and email from Michael Cushnie from Sling-Choker MFG (Manitoba).
Hello Customers,
See attachment. (invitation above) We are hosting a FREE Crosby Fundamentals of Rigging course, If you have any employees that would like to take part… Please send an e-mail back to me with how many people you would like to send. Hope to see some of you there.
Best Regards,
Michael Cushnie

Sling-Choker MFG (Manitoba)
130 Bannister Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2R 0S3
PH: 204-633-7100
Fax: 204-633-7888
Cell: 204-806-7116